In the episode of the “My Research in 3 Minutes” series, the PhD student of the Postgraduate Program in Food Science at UNICAMP, Gabriela Boscariol Rasera, shows the main elements of her research. In a series of sequential studies to understand the biological potential of mustard grains, the research carried out by the student has shown that processes such as germination and enzymatic hydrolysis increase the antioxidant potential of mustard grains. The question now is to understand whether the benefits achieved are maintained after the digestion process. The video presents the main research strategies of the project developed at the Laboratory of Food Biochemistry in a simple and accessible language! Did you like the video? Like, share and help spread science and research!
The “My Research in 3 Minutes” project is part of an initiative promoted by the Dean of Posgraduate Studies at Unicamp.
Audio in Portuguese and English subtitles